
We believe there is something special about the way music can unite and transform.

Our goal is to cultivate a community-minded approach to music consumption and creation, and build a foundation for the three pillars of a local music scene: artists, venues, and fans.

Since its inception in mid-2020, we have hosted over 85 unique Oklahoma artists on our CLM Live video series - which were originally free, live-streamed ‘digital concerts’ intended to keep local music alive during the pandemic - and our Release Roundup Playlist series has promoted and catalogued more than 3 years of Oklahoma music releases.

Mylo Sonder / CEO

After several active years in the Oklahoma music scene, Mylo had experienced first-hand the challenges of being a musician trying to get their foot in the door. In May of 2020, he founded Circle Lotus Media with the intent to address those shortcomings, and support an evolving scene with an evolving platform.

David Joachims / COO

Long-time friend of Mylo, David was brought on early in May 2020 to help realize the Circle Lotus Media vision. His grounded approach to operations has brought CLM to the community in accessible ways — responsible for much of the digital front, as well as shaping the identity of the brand.