hardcore punk

Oklahoma City’s own OTIS VCR is taking the hardcore music scene by storm. Stewards of the ‘hardcore punk’ genre, they embody many of the expected elements - heavy breakdowns, guttural screaming, devil-may-care performances - but are not defined by them. Offering a unique and occasionally unpredictable musical approach to their style, paired with an electric onstage energy — this band puts on a show, so we put them on ours. Press play on OTIS VCR on CLM Live!

Sound Engineers: Anna Garro, Parker Rhea
Camera Operators: Parker Rhea, David Joachims, Roxie Riff
Photographers: Korey England
Mixed & Mastered by: David Joachims
Edited by: David Joachims

July 2, 2023

  1. Instant Gratification
  2. Cerial
  3. Spread The Disease
  4. What
  5. Two Step


Band Members:

Preston Vint - Drums
Jon Lee - Vocals
Benjamin Clark - Bass
Will Vickers - Guitar
Bradley Clark - Keys

Photos by Korey England